Minimo is largely based on Minimus, and as such favours assembly quality to speed. Use on moderately-sized data! Minimo follows the Overlap-Layout-Consensus paradigm just like Minimus.
The main advantage of Minimo over Minimus is that it takes simple FASTA files as input and generates contigs formatted in ACE and FASTA. In addition two parameters can be used to tune the assembly stringency (minimum overlap length and minimum identity).
Documentation on how to run Minimo is obtained by typing:
Minimo -h
The usage message is:
Usage: Minimo FASTA_IN [options] Options: -D QUAL_IN=<file> Input quality score file -D GOOD_QUAL=<n> Quality score to set for bases within the clear range if no quality file was given (default: 30) -D BAD_QUAL=<n> Quality score to set for bases outside clear range if no quality file was given (default: 10). If your sequences are trimmed, try the same value as GOOD_QUAL. -D MIN_LEN=<n> Minimum contig overlap length (at least 20 bp, default: 35) -D MIN_IDENT=<d> Minimum contig overlap identity percentage (between 0 and 100 %, default: 98) -D ALN_WIGGLE=<d> Alignment wiggle value (from 2 for short reads to 15 for long reads, default: 2) -D FASTA_EXP=<n> Export results in FASTA format (0:no 1:yes, default: 0) -D ACE_EXP=<n> Export results in ACE format (0:no 1:yes, default: 0) -D OUT_PREFIX=!Prefix to use for the output file path and name