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Most modern assembly programs (such as Celera Assembler or Arachne) consist of a series of modules, run in a pipeline fashion. The AMOS package includes a generic pipeline executor, runAmos, that allows users to define such pipelines. RunAmos also includes several useful features: logging of the outputs of the modules, ability to start/stop at a specific point in the pipeline, as well as a mechanism for verifying the presence of the required inputs and for cleaning up the temporary files created during assembly.


runAmos reads the commands specified in a configuration file and executes them. The configuration file and output prefix are passed on the command line to the runAmos command interpreter as follows:

runAmos [options] -C <config> [<par1> ... ]

The optional command line parameters will be assigned to variables 0, 1, ... . In addition, when provided, the first parameter will also be assigned to variable PREFIX. In the event no config file (-C <config>) is specified, runAmos will use the file specified in the environment variable AMOSCONF. This variable may be set in `bash' with:

export AMOSCONF=/home/user/myfavorite.acf

OR in `csh' with:

setenv AMOSCONF /home/user/myfavorite.acf

To view the available runAmos command line options, type `runAmos -h'.

The most important of these options being `-D <definition>', where <definition> is of the form NAME=value, e.g. `-D TGT=target.afg'. This allows the user to specify inputs to the pipeline by setting variables similar to PREFIX. See pipeline documentation for which variables should be defined on the command line.

Runing runAmos with both command line option -h and -C will output help information specific to the configuration file.

As runAmos executes the steps defined in a configuration file, it outputs to the screen the step number and the comment associated with each step (if specified). In addition, runAmos creates a log file named <prefix>.runAmos.log which contains the output (both stderr and stdout) of all commands run. If any of the steps fails, runAmos outputs an error message to stderr then exits with a code of 1.

In addition, runAmos can be run implicitly from a configuration file using the shell's "shebang" notation. For example, if file "test.acf" starts with line:

#!runAmos -C

attempting to execute this file (assuming the "execute" permission is set) will be equivalent to running:

runAmos -C test.acf


-C <config_file> runAmos will execute the commands in <config_file> -s, -start <step> runAmos will begin the execution from step <step> in the configuration file -e, -end <step> runAmos will end the execution before step <step> in the configuration file -clean runAmos will remove all the files specified in the TEMPS variable -ocd runAmos will test that all files specified in the INPUTS variable are available and exit with an error otherwise. -D <var_def> specify a variable definition (e.g. INPUTS=myfile) on the command line. Multiple -D options may be specified on the command line. Config Syntax

The configuration file consists of a mixture of variable definitions, pipeline step definitions, and comments.


Variables are defined as follows:


All lines following this definition will recognize $(VARIABLE) and replace all instances with the value assigned by the definition (50 in this case). The special variable PREFIX is assigned to the first command line parameter, as described in the above section. In addition, all command line parameters are assigned to numbered variables $(0), $(1), ... . $(0) and $(PREFIX) are synonymous.

If you want to require a specific number of command line parameters you can use the EXPECT operator anywhere within the configuration file (preferrably towards the beginning of the file). For example, `EXPECT 3' causes runAmos to exit if fewer than 3 command line parameters are provided.

Special variables INPUTS and TEMPS may be specified in the configuration file. The first should contain the required inputs for the programs in the pipeline. If the `-ocd' option is provided, runAmos will exit with an error if any of the files in the INPUTS variable is not present. If the `-clean' option is provided, runAmos will remove any file in the current directory that is specified in the TEMPS variable.

runAmos provides two special functions that are useful in processing variables:

$(shell <shell_command>) - evaluates to the output of the command
$(strip <suffix> <varname>) - strips the suffix <suffix> from the
end of the variable <varname>

Within the shell operator you can use AMOS variables, however you must the paranthesis using the '\' character.


DATE = $(shell date) FILE = test.afg
PERMS = $(shell ls -l $(FILE\))
PREF = $(strip .afg FILE)

$(DATE) will evaluate to a string containing the current date
$(PREF) will evaluate to the string "test"
$(PERMS) will contain the permissions of test.afg as reported by ls


Pipeline steps are defined in one of the following ways:

10: runcommand $(PREFIX)


runcommand1 $(PREFIX)
runcommand2 $(PREFIX)

In both cases the step number (10) is specified followed by a colon. In the first example the step consists of only one command. If the colon is followed by an end-of-line character, the step will consist of all the commands listed until a line consisting of a single period. Within such a multi-line step, runAmos allows the escaping of the end-of-line character using `\' to indicate the current command is continued on the next line. An example is shown below:

for i in 1 2 3 4 ;do \
echo $i; \

Note that step numbers must be strictly increasing within the configuration file. runAmos will exit with an error otherwise.

The step numbers can be used as parameters to the `-s' and `-e' command line options, to start or end the execution at a specific step number.


Comments are defined in three manners:

# this is a simple comment


## this is a "step" comment


#? this is part of the config file help information

In the first case, a line beginning with a single `#' character, the entire line is ignored by runAmos.

In the second case (line beginning with two `#' characters), the line is output to the screen as the step following it is being executed. This is useful to provide the user with a some information about the commands being run.

In the third case (`#' followed by `?') the line is output when runAmos is run with both -h and -C options.


The `src/Pipeline' directory contains various AMOS configuration files for different pipelines. Any of these would suffice as an example of an AMOS config file (all files with .acf suffixes).


The development of runAmos was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant KDI-9980088 and by the National Institutes of Health under grant R01-LM06845.