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AMOS::Contig_t Class Reference

A tiling of assembled sequence reads. More...

#include <Contig_AMOS.hh>

Inheritance diagram for AMOS::Contig_t:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for AMOS::Contig_t:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Contig_t ()
 Constructs an empty Contig_t object.
 Contig_t (const Contig_t &source)
 Copy constructor.
 ~Contig_t ()
 Destroys a Contig_t object.
virtual void clear ()
 Clears all object data, reinitializes the object.
Pos_t gap2ungap (Pos_t gap) const
 Translates a gapped position to an ungapped position.
Pos_t ungap2gap (Pos_t ungap) const
 Translates an ungapped position to a gapped position.
virtual NCode_t getNCode () const
 Get the AMOS NCode type identifier.
const std::vector< Tile_t > & getReadTiling () const
 Get the tiling of underlying reads.
std::vector< Tile_t > & getReadTiling ()
Size_t getSpan () const
 Get the span of the read layout.
Size_t getUngappedLength () const
 Get the ungapped consensus length.
std::string getUngappedQualString () const
 Get the ungapped quality score string.
std::string getUngappedQualString (Range_t range) const
 Get an ungapped quality score substring.
std::string getUngappedSeqString () const
 Get the ungapped sequence base string.
std::string getUngappedSeqString (Range_t range) const
 Get an ungapped sequence base substring.
virtual void readMessage (const Message_t &msg)
 Reads in data from a Message object.
bool readUMD (std::istream &in)
 Read a UMD contig message from an input stream.
void setReadTiling (const std::vector< Tile_t > &reads)
 Set the tiling of underlying reads.
void setReadTiling (const Layout_t &layout)
 Set the tiling of underlying reads.
virtual void writeMessage (Message_t &msg) const
 Writes data to a Message object.
void writeUMD (std::ostream &out) const
 Write a UMD contig message to an output stream.
std::pair< char, char > getBase (Pos_t index) const
 Get a single base and its quality score.
Size_t getLength () const
 Get the length of the sequence.
std::string getQualString () const
 Get the quality score string.
std::string getQualString (Range_t range) const
 Get a quality score substring.
std::string getSeqString () const
 Get the sequence base string.
std::string getSeqString (Range_t range) const
 Get a sequence base substring.
bool isCompressed () const
 Checks if the sequence data is compressed.
void setBase (char seqchar, char qualchar, Pos_t index)
 Set a sequence base and its quality score.
void setSequence (const char *seq, const char *qual)
 Set the entire sequence.
void setSequence (const std::string &seq, const std::string &qual)
 Set the entire sequence.
const std::string & getComment () const
 Get the comment string.
const Status_t getStatus () const
 Get the status value.
void setComment (const std::string &comment)
 Set the comment string.
void setStatus (Status_t status)
 Set the status value.
const std::string & getEID () const
 Get the external ID.
ID_t getIID () const
 Get the internal ID.
bool isRemoved () const
 Check if the object is waiting to be removed from the bank.
bool isModified () const
 Check if the object has been modified.
bool isFlagA () const
 Check the value of flag A.
bool isFlagB () const
 Check the value of flag B.
void setEID (const std::string &eid)
 Set the external ID.
void setFlagA (bool flag)
 Set flag A.
void setFlagB (bool flag)
 Set flag B.
void setIID (ID_t iid)
 Set the internal ID.

Static Public Attributes

const NCode_t NCODE = M_CONTIG
 The NCode type identifier for this object.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void readRecord (std::istream &fix, std::istream &var)
 Read selected class members from a biserial record.
virtual void writeRecord (std::ostream &fix, std::ostream &var) const
 Write selected class members to a biserial record.

Static Protected Member Functions

uint8_t compress (char seqchar, char qualchar)
 Compresses a sequence char and quality char into a single byte.
std::pair< char, char > uncompress (uint8_t byte)
 Uncompresses a byte into a sequence and quality char.

Protected Attributes

uint8_t * seq_m
 compressed seq and qual data or uncompressed seq
uint8_t * qual_m
 uncompressed qual data
Size_t length_m
 length of the sequence and quality data
ID_t iid_m
 internal ID (integer AMOS identifier)
std::string eid_m
 external ID (anything you want sans newlines)
BankFlags_t flags_m
 bank flags, derived classes may use "nibble"

Static Protected Attributes

const uint8_t COMPRESS_BIT = 0x1
 compressed sequence flag
const uint8_t ADENINE_BITS = 0x0
 'A' bit
const uint8_t CYTOSINE_BITS = 0x40
 'C' bit
const uint8_t GUANINE_BITS = 0x80
 'G' bit
const uint8_t THYMINE_BITS = 0xC0
 'T' bit
const uint8_t SEQ_BITS = 0xC0
 sequence bit mask
const uint8_t QUAL_BITS = 0x3F
 quality bit mask

Detailed Description

A tiling of assembled sequence reads.

A Contig_t consists of a consensus sequence with quality scores and a tiling of underlying reads that produce the consensus. The consensus sequence is stored as a 'gapped consensus'. That is the gaps are stored as gap characters in the consensus sequence instead of as a position list. The ungapped version of the consensus can be generated with the getUngapped... methods. Gap characters should be '-' but '*' is also accepted. The compress and uncompress methods inherited from Sequence_t are made private because they would corrupt the gap characters.

Definition at line 35 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AMOS::Contig_t::Contig_t  )  [inline]

Constructs an empty Contig_t object.

Definition at line 75 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

AMOS::Contig_t::Contig_t const Contig_t source  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 84 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

AMOS::Contig_t::~Contig_t  )  [inline]

Destroys a Contig_t object.

Definition at line 93 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AMOS::Contig_t::clear  )  [inline, virtual]

Clears all object data, reinitializes the object.

All data will be cleared, but object compression status will remain unchanged. Use the compress/uncompress members to change this info.

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 100 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::clear().

Referenced by readMessage(), readUMD(), and writeMessage().

uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::compress char  seqchar,
char  qualchar
[inline, static, protected, inherited]

Compresses a sequence char and quality char into a single byte.

Must work with uncompress(uint8_t) method
seqchar The sequence base character (case insensitive)
qualchar The quality score character
The compressed byte
Definition at line 64 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::ADENINE_BITS, AMOS::Char2Qual(), AMOS::Sequence_t::CYTOSINE_BITS, AMOS::Sequence_t::GUANINE_BITS, AMOS::Sequence_t::SEQ_BITS, and AMOS::Sequence_t::THYMINE_BITS.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::clear().

Pos_t Contig_t::gap2ungap Pos_t  gap  )  const

Translates a gapped position to an ungapped position.

This method requires linear time. If the gapped position points to a gap the returned ungapped position will point to the position immediately following the gap.

The gapped position
gap < getLength( )
The ungapped position
Definition at line 23 of file

References AMOS::Pos_t.

std::pair<char, char> AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase Pos_t  index  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get a single base and its quality score.

Retrieves and uncompresses the sequence base for the requested index.

index The index of the requested base
index >= 0 && index < length
The requested (uppercase) base character and its quality score
Definition at line 203 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::Sequence_t::qual_m, AMOS::Sequence_t::seq_m, and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), getUngappedQualString(), getUngappedSeqString(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage().

const std::string& AMOS::Universal_t::getComment  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the comment string.

The comment string
Definition at line 110 of file Universal_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::operator<<().

const std::string& AMOS::IBankable_t::getEID  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the external ID.

The external ID
Definition at line 156 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::eid_m.

Referenced by writeUMD().

ID_t AMOS::IBankable_t::getIID  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the internal ID.

The internal ID
Definition at line 167 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::ID_t, and AMOS::IBankable_t::iid_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Index_t::buildContigFeature(), AMOS::Index_t::buildContigScaffold(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadContig(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadLibrary(), AMOS::Index_t::buildScaffoldFeature(), and AMOS::operator<<().

Size_t AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the length of the sequence.

The length of the sequence
Definition at line 220 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, and AMOS::Size_t.

Referenced by getSpan(), getUngappedQualString(), getUngappedSeqString(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

virtual NCode_t AMOS::Contig_t::getNCode  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the AMOS NCode type identifier.

The AMOS NCode type identifier

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 135 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::NCode_t.

string Sequence_t::getQualString Range_t  range  )  const [inherited]

Get a quality score substring.

Returns a subrange of quality scores [begin, end) or (end, begin]. The reversed range will pull the reverse string of quality scores.

range The range of quality scores to get
range lo >= 0 && hi <= length
A subrange quality scores
Definition at line 56 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::NULL_CHAR, AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Reverse().

std::string AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the quality score string.

The full string of quality scores
Definition at line 238 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m.

Referenced by AMOS::operator<<().

std::vector<Tile_t>& AMOS::Contig_t::getReadTiling  )  [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

const std::vector<Tile_t>& AMOS::Contig_t::getReadTiling  )  const [inline]

Get the tiling of underlying reads.

The vector of underlying reads
Definition at line 146 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by readUMD().

string Sequence_t::getSeqString Range_t  range  )  const [inherited]

Get a sequence base substring.

Returns a subrange of sequence bases [begin, end) or (end, being]. The reversed range will pull the reverse complement string of sequences bases.

range The range of sequence bases to get
range lo >= 0 && hi <= length
A subrange of sequence bases
Definition at line 80 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::NULL_CHAR, AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::ReverseComplement().

std::string AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the sequence base string.

The full string of sequence bases
Definition at line 263 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m.

Referenced by AMOS::operator<<().

Size_t Contig_t::getSpan  )  const

Get the span of the read layout.

Returns the difference between min(offset) and max(offset+len). Since the layout is not necessarily sorted, this method requires linear time.

The span of the layout
Definition at line 49 of file

References AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength(), AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Size_t.

const Status_t AMOS::Universal_t::getStatus  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the status value.

The status value
Definition at line 121 of file Universal_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Status_t.

Size_t Contig_t::getUngappedLength  )  const

Get the ungapped consensus length.

Unlike getLength( ) which is constant time, this method requires linear time.

The ungapped length of the consensus sequence
Definition at line 79 of file

References AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Size_t.

string Contig_t::getUngappedQualString Range_t  range  )  const

Get an ungapped quality score substring.

Returns a subrange of quality scores [begin, end) or (end, begin] with all the gap scores removed. The range bounds are relative to the gapped consensus sequence, and a reversed range will pull the reverse string of quality scores.

range The range of quality scores to get
range lo >= 0 && hi <= length
A subrange of ungapped quality scores
Definition at line 92 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength(), AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Reverse().

std::string AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedQualString  )  const [inline]

Get the ungapped quality score string.

Returns the quality string with all the gap scores removed.

The full string of ungapped quality scores
Definition at line 188 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength().

string Contig_t::getUngappedSeqString Range_t  range  )  const

Get an ungapped sequence base substring.

Returns a subrange of ungapped sequence bases [begin, end) or (end, begin] with all the gaps (non-alphas) removed. The range bounds are relative to the gapped consensus sequence, and reversed range will pull the reverse complement string of sequence bases.

range The range of sequence bases to get
range lo >= 0 && hi <= length
A subrange of ungapped sequence bases
Definition at line 121 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength(), AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::ReverseComplement().

std::string AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedSeqString  )  const [inline]

Get the ungapped sequence base string.

The full string of ungapped sequence bases
Definition at line 215 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength().

bool AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed  )  const [inline, inherited]

Checks if the sequence data is compressed.

Returns true if the Sequence is currently operating in compressed mode, or false if under normal operation.

True if compressed, false if not
Definition at line 291 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::COMPRESS_BIT.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::operator=(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord().

bool AMOS::IBankable_t::isFlagA  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check the value of flag A.

The value of flag A
Definition at line 210 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

bool AMOS::IBankable_t::isFlagB  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check the value of flag B.

The value of flag B
Definition at line 221 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

bool AMOS::IBankable_t::isModified  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check if the object has been modified.

true if modified, otherwise false
Definition at line 199 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

bool AMOS::IBankable_t::isRemoved  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check if the object is waiting to be removed from the bank.

Useful for debugging only
true if removed, otherwise false
Definition at line 188 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

void Contig_t::readMessage const Message_t msg  )  [virtual]

Reads in data from a Message object.

Reads the data contained in a Message object and stores it in the Messagable object. Will not complain if incoming message is of the wrong type, will only try and suck out the fields it recognizes. All previous data in the Messagable object will be cleared or overwritten.

msg The Message to read from
The expected fields are formatted properly

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 150 of file

References clear(), AMOS::M_TILE, and AMOS::Sequence_t::readMessage().

void Contig_t::readRecord std::istream &  fix,
std::istream &  var
[protected, virtual]

Read selected class members from a biserial record.

Reads the fixed and variable length streams from a biserial record and initializes the class members to the values stored within. Used in translating a biserial IBankable object, and needed to retrieve objects from a bank.

This method must be able to interpret the biserial record produced by its related function writeRecord.
fix The fixed length stream (stores all fixed length members)
var The variable length stream (stores all var length members)
The get pointer of fix is at the beginning of the record

The get pointer of var is at the beginning of the record


Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 177 of file

References AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::readLE(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), and AMOS::Size_t.

bool Contig_t::readUMD std::istream &  in  ) 

Read a UMD contig message from an input stream.

Reads a University of Maryland style contig message and populates the appropriate fields with the values read from the stream. Will throw an exception if a message is found, but is not properly formatted. All fields not included in the message will be reinitialized. Contig EID will be set, and each tile will be stored with Read IID, read offset, and read range. Read range will be flipped to represent reverse complement.

in The input stream to read from
The incoming message is properly formatted
true if a message was read, false if no message read (EOF)
Definition at line 191 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, clear(), getReadTiling(), and AMOS::IBankable_t::setEID().

void AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase char  seqchar,
char  qualchar,
Pos_t  index
[inline, inherited]

Set a sequence base and its quality score.

Any characters may be used for seq and qualchar unless dealing with a compressed sequence. If compressed, the sequence should only contain A,C,G,T and Ns and quality scores in the range [MIN_QUALITY,MAX_QUALITY], if either of these conditions are not met the information will be lost when the data is compressed (see postconditions below).

seqchar The sequence base character
qualchar The quality score character
index The index to assign these values
index >= 0 && index < length
If compressed:
  • All invalid quality scores will be cast to MIN_QUALITY
  • All N's will be assigned a MIN_QUALITY quality score
  • All MIN_QUALITY scores will be assigned a N seqchar
Definition at line 321 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::Sequence_t::qual_m, and AMOS::Sequence_t::seq_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence().

void AMOS::Universal_t::setComment const std::string &  comment  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the comment string.

comment The new comment string
Definition at line 144 of file Universal_AMOS.hh.

void AMOS::IBankable_t::setEID const std::string &  eid  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the external ID.

Will only use the characters up to but not including the first newline.

Definition at line 234 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::eid_m, and AMOS::NL_CHAR.

Referenced by readUMD().

void AMOS::IBankable_t::setFlagA bool  flag  )  [inline, inherited]

Set flag A.

Has no effect on the actual object in memory other than setting a flag. This is one of two user accessible flags to be used as needed, the other is flag B.

flag The new flag A value
Definition at line 254 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage().

void AMOS::IBankable_t::setFlagB bool  flag  )  [inline, inherited]

Set flag B.

Has no effect on the actual object in memory other than setting a flag. This is one of two user accessible flags to be used as needed, the other is flag A.

flag The new flag B value
Definition at line 270 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage().

void AMOS::IBankable_t::setIID ID_t  iid  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the internal ID.

iid The new internal ID
Definition at line 282 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::ID_t, and AMOS::IBankable_t::iid_m.

void AMOS::Contig_t::setReadTiling const Layout_t layout  )  [inline]

Set the tiling of underlying reads.

layout The new read layout
Definition at line 277 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

void AMOS::Contig_t::setReadTiling const std::vector< Tile_t > &  reads  )  [inline]

Set the tiling of underlying reads.

reads The new vector of underlying reads
Definition at line 265 of file Contig_AMOS.hh.

void Sequence_t::setSequence const std::string &  seq,
const std::string &  qual

Set the entire sequence.

Combines and compresses the sequence and quality data contained in the two STL strings. If current Sequence object is compressed, please refer to the postconditions for the setBase(char,char,Pos_t) operation. All newline characters will be discarded. but the newlines must be in the same location in both the sequence and quality files.

seq The sequence base string
qual The quality score string
seq . size( ) == qual . size( )
Definition at line 179 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::NL_CHAR, AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::Sequence_t::qual_m, AMOS::SafeRealloc(), AMOS::Sequence_t::seq_m, AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), and AMOS::Size_t.

void Sequence_t::setSequence const char *  seq,
const char *  qual

Set the entire sequence.

Combines and compresses the sequence and quality data contained in the two C strings. If current Sequence object is compressed, please refer to the postconditions for the setBase(char,char,Pos_t) operation. All newline characters will be discarded, but the newlines must be in the same location in both the sequence and quality files.

seq The sequence base string
qual The quality score string
strlen(seq) == strlen(qual)
Definition at line 145 of file

References AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT, AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed(), AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m, AMOS::NL_CHAR, AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::Sequence_t::qual_m, AMOS::SafeRealloc(), AMOS::Sequence_t::seq_m, AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), and AMOS::Size_t.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::readMessage().

void AMOS::Universal_t::setStatus Status_t  status  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the status value.

status The new status value
Definition at line 156 of file Universal_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Status_t.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage().

std::pair<char, char> AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress uint8_t  byte  )  [inline, static, protected, inherited]

Uncompresses a byte into a sequence and quality char.

Must work with compress(char,char)
byte The compressed sequence and quality byte
The sequence and quality char respectively
Definition at line 93 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

References AMOS::Sequence_t::ADENINE_BITS, AMOS::Sequence_t::CYTOSINE_BITS, AMOS::Sequence_t::GUANINE_BITS, AMOS::Qual2Char(), AMOS::Sequence_t::QUAL_BITS, AMOS::Sequence_t::SEQ_BITS, and AMOS::Sequence_t::THYMINE_BITS.

Size_t Contig_t::ungap2gap Pos_t  ungap  )  const

Translates an ungapped position to a gapped position.

This method requires linear time.

The ungapped position
ungap < getUngappedLength( )
The gapped position
Definition at line 36 of file

References AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Size_t.

void Contig_t::writeMessage Message_t msg  )  const [virtual]

Writes data to a Message object.

Writes the data contained in a Messagable object to a Message object. All previous data in the Message will be cleared or overwritten.

msg The Message to write to

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 250 of file

References clear(), AMOS::Pos_t, and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage().

void Contig_t::writeRecord std::ostream &  fix,
std::ostream &  var
const [protected, virtual]

Write selected class members to a biserial record.

Writes the fixed and variable length streams to a biserial record. Used in generating a biserial IBankable object, and needed to commit objects to a bank. Should not write the flags, EID, or IID of the object because the bank will handle the storage of these fields on its own.

This method must be able to produce a biserial record that can be read by its related funtion readRecord.
fix The fixed length stream (stores all fixed length members)
var The variable length stream (stores all var length members)

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 276 of file

References AMOS::Pos_t, AMOS::Size_t, AMOS::writeLE(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord().

void Contig_t::writeUMD std::ostream &  out  )  const

Write a UMD contig message to an output stream.

Writes a University of Maryland style contig message to the output stream. Will throw an exception if there was an error trying to write to the output stream.

out The output stream to write to
The ostream is open and writable
Definition at line 289 of file

References AMOS_THROW_IO, and AMOS::IBankable_t::getEID().

Member Data Documentation

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::ADENINE_BITS = 0x0 [static, protected, inherited]

'A' bit

Definition at line 47 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::COMPRESS_BIT = 0x1 [static, protected, inherited]

compressed sequence flag

Definition at line 46 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::clear(), AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::isCompressed(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::CYTOSINE_BITS = 0x40 [static, protected, inherited]

'C' bit

Definition at line 48 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

std::string AMOS::IBankable_t::eid_m [protected, inherited]

external ID (anything you want sans newlines)

Definition at line 66 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::IBankable_t::clear(), AMOS::IBankable_t::getEID(), and AMOS::IBankable_t::setEID().

BankFlags_t AMOS::IBankable_t::flags_m [protected, inherited]

bank flags, derived classes may use "nibble"

Definition at line 68 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::IBankable_t::clear(), AMOS::IBankable_t::isFlagA(), AMOS::IBankable_t::isFlagB(), AMOS::IBankable_t::isModified(), AMOS::IBankable_t::isRemoved(), AMOS::IBankable_t::setFlagA(), and AMOS::IBankable_t::setFlagB().

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::GUANINE_BITS = 0x80 [static, protected, inherited]

'G' bit

Definition at line 49 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

ID_t AMOS::IBankable_t::iid_m [protected, inherited]

internal ID (integer AMOS identifier)

Definition at line 64 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::IBankable_t::clear(), AMOS::IBankable_t::getIID(), AMOS::IBankable_t::IBankable_t(), and AMOS::IBankable_t::setIID().

Size_t AMOS::Sequence_t::length_m [protected, inherited]

length of the sequence and quality data

Definition at line 43 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::clear(), AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::operator=(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Sequence_t::Sequence_t(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord().

const NCode_t Contig_t::NCODE = M_CONTIG [static]

The NCode type identifier for this object.

Reimplemented from AMOS::Sequence_t.

Definition at line 19 of file

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::QUAL_BITS = 0x3F [static, protected, inherited]

quality bit mask

Definition at line 52 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

uint8_t* AMOS::Sequence_t::qual_m [protected, inherited]

uncompressed qual data

Definition at line 42 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::clear(), AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::operator=(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Sequence_t::Sequence_t(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::~Sequence_t().

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::SEQ_BITS = 0xC0 [static, protected, inherited]

sequence bit mask

Definition at line 51 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

uint8_t* AMOS::Sequence_t::seq_m [protected, inherited]

compressed seq and qual data or uncompressed seq

Definition at line 41 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::clear(), AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::operator=(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Sequence_t::Sequence_t(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::~Sequence_t().

const uint8_t AMOS::Sequence_t::THYMINE_BITS = 0xC0 [static, protected, inherited]

'T' bit

Definition at line 50 of file Sequence_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue May 17 15:19:42 2005 for libAMOS by doxygen 1.3.8