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00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 #include "BankStream_AMOS.hh" 00011 using namespace AMOS; 00012 using namespace std; 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 //================================================ BankStream_t ================ 00018 const Size_t BankStream_t::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; 00019 const Size_t BankStream_t::MAX_OPEN_PARTITIONS = 2; 00020 00021 00022 //----------------------------------------------------- ignore ----------------- 00023 BankStream_t & BankStream_t::ignore (bankstreamoff n) 00024 { 00025 if ( ! is_open_m || ! (mode_m & B_READ) ) 00026 AMOS_THROW_IO ("Cannot ignore: bank not open for reading"); 00027 00028 ID_t lid; 00029 bankstreamoff off; 00030 BankFlags_t bf; 00031 BankPartition_t * partition; 00032 Size_t skip = fix_size_m - sizeof (bankstreamoff) - sizeof (BankFlags_t); 00033 00034 while ( n > 0 && inrange( ) ) 00035 { 00036 lid = curr_bid_m; 00037 partition = localizeBID (lid); 00038 off = lid * fix_size_m; 00039 if ( (std::streamoff)partition -> fix . tellg( ) != off ) 00040 partition -> fix . seekg (off, ios::beg); 00041 00042 partition -> fix . ignore (sizeof (bankstreamoff)); 00043 readLE (partition -> fix, &bf); 00044 partition -> fix . ignore (skip); 00045 00046 if ( ! bf . is_removed ) 00047 -- n; 00048 ++ curr_bid_m; 00049 } 00050 00051 eof_m = !inrange( ); 00052 return *this; 00053 } 00054 00055 00056 //----------------------------------------------------- open ------------------- 00057 void BankStream_t::open (const std::string & dir, BankMode_t mode) 00058 { 00059 Bank_t::open (dir, mode); 00060 init( ); 00061 00062 const IDMap_t::HashTriple_t * tp = NULL; 00063 triples_m . resize (last_bid_m + 1, tp); 00064 for ( IDMap_t::const_iterator idmi = getIDMap( ) . begin( ); 00065 idmi != getIDMap( ) . end( ); ++ idmi ) 00066 triples_m [idmi -> bid] = idmi; 00067 } 00068 00069 00070 //----------------------------------------------------- operator>> ------------- 00071 BankStream_t & BankStream_t::operator>> (IBankable_t & obj) 00072 { 00073 if ( ! is_open_m || ! (mode_m & B_READ) ) 00074 AMOS_THROW_IO ("Cannot stream fetch: bank not open for reading"); 00075 if ( banktype_m != obj.getNCode( ) ) 00076 AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT ("Cannot stream fetch: incompatible object type"); 00077 if ( eof( ) ) 00078 AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT ("Cannot stream fetch: beyond end of stream"); 00079 00080 ID_t lid; 00081 BankFlags_t flags; 00082 bankstreamoff off; 00083 bankstreamoff vpos; 00084 BankPartition_t * partition; 00085 Size_t skip = fix_size_m - sizeof (bankstreamoff) - sizeof (BankFlags_t); 00086 00087 //-- Seek to the record and read the data 00088 flags . is_removed = true; 00089 while ( flags . is_removed ) 00090 { 00091 if ( !inrange( ) ) 00092 { 00093 eof_m = true; 00094 return *this; 00095 } 00096 00097 lid = curr_bid_m; 00098 partition = localizeBID (lid); 00099 off = lid * fix_size_m; 00100 if ( (std::streamoff)partition -> fix . tellg( ) != off ) 00101 partition -> fix . seekg (off, ios::beg); 00102 00103 readLE (partition -> fix, &vpos); 00104 readLE (partition -> fix, &flags); 00105 if ( flags . is_removed ) 00106 partition -> fix . ignore (skip); 00107 00108 ++ curr_bid_m; 00109 } 00110 00111 if ( (std::streamoff)partition -> var . tellg( ) != vpos ) 00112 partition -> var . seekg (vpos); 00113 00114 const IDMap_t::HashTriple_t * trip = triples_m [curr_bid_m - 1]; 00115 if ( trip == NULL ) 00116 { 00117 obj . iid_m = NULL_ID; 00118 obj . eid_m . erase( ); 00119 } 00120 else 00121 { 00122 obj . iid_m = trip -> iid; 00123 obj . eid_m = trip -> eid; 00124 } 00125 00126 obj . flags_m = flags; 00127 obj . readRecord (partition -> fix, partition -> var); 00128 00129 if ( ! partition -> fix . good( ) || ! partition -> var . good( ) ) 00130 AMOS_THROW_IO ("Unknown file read error in stream fetch, bank corrupted"); 00131 00132 return *this; 00133 } 00134 00135 00136 //--------------------------------------------------- operator<< ------------- 00137 BankStream_t & BankStream_t::operator<< (IBankable_t & obj) 00138 { 00139 if ( ! is_open_m || ! (mode_m & B_WRITE) ) 00140 AMOS_THROW_IO ("Cannot stream append: bank not open for writing"); 00141 if ( banktype_m != obj.getNCode( ) ) 00142 AMOS_THROW_ARGUMENT ("Cannot stream append: incompatible object type"); 00143 00144 //-- Insert the ID triple into the map (may throw exception) 00145 triples_m . push_back 00146 (idmap_m . insert (obj . iid_m, obj . eid_m, last_bid_m + 1)); 00147 00148 try { 00149 //-- Add another partition if necessary 00150 if ( last_bid_m == max_bid_m ) 00151 addPartition (true); 00152 00153 BankPartition_t * partition = getLastPartition( ); 00154 00155 //-- Prepare the object for append 00156 obj . flags_m . is_removed = false; 00157 obj . flags_m . is_modified = false; 00158 00159 //-- files should alread be seeked to end 00160 //-- data is written in the following order to the FIX and VAR streams 00161 // FIX = [VAR streampos] [BankableFlags] [OBJECT FIX] [VAR size] 00162 // VAR = [OBJECT VAR] 00163 bankstreamoff fpos = (std::streamoff)partition -> fix . tellp( ); 00164 bankstreamoff vpos = (std::streamoff)partition -> var . tellp( ); 00165 writeLE (partition -> fix, &vpos); 00166 writeLE (partition -> fix, &(obj . flags_m)); 00167 obj . writeRecord (partition -> fix, partition -> var); 00168 Size_t vsize = (std::streamoff)partition -> var . tellp( ) - vpos; 00169 writeLE (partition -> fix, &vsize); 00170 00171 //-- If fix_size is not yet known, calculate it 00172 Size_t fsize = (std::streamoff)partition -> fix . tellp( ) - fpos; 00173 if ( fix_size_m == 0 ) 00174 fix_size_m = fsize; 00175 00176 if ( fix_size_m != fsize || 00177 ! partition -> fix . good( ) || 00178 ! partition -> var . good( ) ) 00179 AMOS_THROW_IO 00180 ("Unknown file write error in stream append, bank corrupted"); 00181 00182 ++ nbids_m; 00183 ++ last_bid_m; 00184 } 00185 catch (Exception_t) { 00186 triples_m . pop_back( ); 00187 idmap_m . remove (obj . iid_m); 00188 idmap_m . remove (obj . eid_m); 00189 throw; 00190 } 00191 00192 return *this; 00193 }

Generated on Tue May 17 15:19:01 2005 for libAMOS by doxygen 1.3.8