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class  AMOS::IBankable_t
 Interface for classes that can be stored in an AMOS bank. More...
class  AMOS::Bank_t
 An AMOS data bank for efficiently storing Bankable data types. More...
class  AMOS::Bank_t::BankPartition_t
 A single partition of the file-based bank. More...
class  AMOS::BankStream_t
 Provides stream functionality for an AMOS data bank. More...
class  AMOS::Contig_t
 A tiling of assembled sequence reads. More...
class  AMOS::ContigEdge_t
 Reliable linking information between two contigs. More...
class  AMOS::ContigLink_t
 Linking information between two contigs. More...
struct  AMOS::Distribution_t
 A set of statistics that define a distribution. More...
struct  AMOS::Range_t
 A gapped coordinate range. More...
struct  AMOS::Tile_t
 A singe sequence's location and orientation in a larger sequence. More...
class  AMOS::IEdge_t
 Interface for Edge_t. More...
class  AMOS::Edge_t
 Reliable linking information between two nodes. More...
class  AMOS::Exception_t
 The base AMOS excpetion class. More...
class  AMOS::AlignmentException_t
 An exception for alignment failures. More...
class  AMOS::AllocException_t
 An exception for alloc failures, better than std::bad_alloc. More...
class  AMOS::ArgumentException_t
 An exception for invalid arguments. More...
class  AMOS::IOException_t
 An exception for IO errors. More...
class  AMOS::Feature_t
 Notes remarkable features of other objects. More...
class  AMOS::Fragment_t
 Single piece of DNA. More...
class  AMOS::Group_t
 A homogenous grouping of AMOS objects. More...
class  AMOS::IDMap_t
 An IID/EID double hash for mapping IIDs and EIDs to BIDs. More...
struct  AMOS::IDMap_t::HashTriple_t
 HashTriple for IDMap. More...
struct  AMOS::IDMap_t::HashNode_t
 HashNode for IDMap.
class  AMOS::IDMap_t::iterator
 iterator for moving through the map
class  AMOS::IDMap_t::const_iterator
 const_iterator for moving through the map More...
class  AMOS::Index_t
 An association index between two types of AMOS objects. More...
struct  AMOS::BankFlags_t
 8 bit flag set for IBankable types More...
class  AMOS::Kmer_t
 String of K bases present in the assembly. More...
class  AMOS::Layout_t
 A layout of sequences. More...
class  AMOS::Library_t
 A collection of cloned, size-controlled DNA molecules. More...
class  AMOS::Link_t
 Linking information between two nodes, such as between contigs. More...
class  AMOS::Message_t
 A generic AMOS message object for reading and writing data. More...
class  AMOS::IMessagable_t
 Interface for classes that can interpret messages. More...
class  AMOS::Overlap_t
 An overlap relation between to sequencing reads. More...
class  AMOS::Read_t
 A DNA sequencing read. More...
class  AMOS::Scaffold_t
 A ordered, oriented and positioned list of contigs. More...
class  AMOS::ScaffoldEdge_t
 Reliable linking information between two scaffolds. More...
class  AMOS::ScaffoldLink_t
 Linking information between two scaffolds. More...
class  AMOS::Sequence_t
 Sequence bases with quality scores. More...
class  AMOS::Universal_t
 A universal base class that can be used by Banks or Messages. More...
class  AMOS::UniversalSet_t
 A non-redundant, complete collection of Universal objects. More...
class  AMOS::UniversalSet_t::iterator
class  AMOS::UniversalSet_t::const_iterator
class  AMOS::BankSet_t
 A non-redundant, complete collection of AMOS banks. More...
class  AMOS::BankSet_t::iterator
class  AMOS::BankSet_t::const_iterator
class  AMOS::BankStreamSet_t
 A non-redundant, complete collection of AMOS banks. More...
class  AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::iterator
class  AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::const_iterator


typedef uint8_t BankMode_t
typedef Range_t Ordered_Range_t
typedef char FeatureType_t
typedef char FragmentType_t
typedef uint32_t ID_t
 ID type for iid's.
typedef uint32_t NCode_t
 unique integer code for dynamic typing
typedef uint32_t SD_t
 standard deviation type
typedef int32_t Size_t
 size type (for links,etc)
typedef Size_t Pos_t
 position type (in a sequence,etc)
typedef char Status_t
 status type
typedef char LinkType_t
typedef char LinkAdjacency_t
typedef char OverlapAdjacency_t
typedef char ReadType_t


bool BankExists (NCode_t ncode, const std::string &dir)
 Checks for the accessibility of a bank with certain type.
void PrintBankVersion (const char *s)
 Prints the bank version a program is compatible with.
Range_t operator & (Range_t a, Range_t b)
 An intersection operator for Ranges.
Range_t operator| (Range_t a, Range_t b)
 A union operator for Ranges.
bool operator== (const Range_t &a, const Range_t &b)
 An equality operator for Ranges.
bool operator!= (const Range_t &a, const Range_t &b)
bool operator== (const Distribution_t &a, const Distribution_t &b)
 An equality operator for Distributions.
bool operator!= (const Distribution_t &a, const Distribution_t &b)
bool operator== (const Tile_t &a, const Tile_t &b)
 An equality operator for Tiles.
bool operator!= (const Tile_t &a, const Tile_t &b)
void WrapString (std::ostream &out, const std::string &s, int per)
 Inserts a newline every 'per' characters when writing to stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Exception_t &e)
 Dump Exception_t info to an ostream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::exception &e)
 Dump exception info to an ostream.
char Qual2Char (uint8_t qual)
 Converts a quality int into a printable character.
uint8_t Char2Qual (char qual)
 Converts a printable quality character to an int.
std::string Decode (NCode_t ncode)
 Converts an NCode integer to an AMOS message/field type.
NCode_t Encode (const std::string &str)
 Converts an AMOS message/field type to an NCode integer.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, Read_t &read)
 Dump read object to ostream.
void * SafeCalloc (size_t num, size_t size)
 Safe calloc wrapper.
void * SafeMalloc (size_t size)
 Safe malloc wrapper.
void * SafeRealloc (void *P, size_t size)
 Safe realloc wrapper.
char * SafeStrdup (const char *str)
 Safe strdup wrapper.
char Complement (char ch)
 Returns the DNA complement of an IUPAC character.
void ReverseComplement (std::string &str)
 Takes the DNA reverse complement of an IUPAC string.
void ReverseComplement (char *str)
 Takes the DNA reverse complement of an IUPAC string.
void Reverse (std::string &str)
 Reverses the contents of a string.
void Reverse (char *str)
 Reverses the contents of a string.
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const uint8_t *i)
 Writes an 8-bit int in little-endian byte order.
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const int8_t *i)
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const BankFlags_t *i)
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const uint16_t *i)
 Writes a 16-bit int in little-endian byte order.
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const int16_t *i)
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const uint32_t *i)
 Writes a 32-bit int in little-endian byte order.
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const int32_t *i)
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const uint64_t *i)
 Writes a 64-bit int in little-endian byte order.
void writeLE (std::ostream &out, const int64_t *i)
void readLE (std::istream &in, uint8_t *i)
 Reads a little-endian 8-bit int.
void readLE (std::istream &in, int8_t *i)
void readLE (std::istream &in, BankFlags_t *i)
void readLE (std::istream &in, uint16_t *i)
 Reads a little-endian 16-bit int.
void readLE (std::istream &in, int16_t *i)
void readLE (std::istream &in, uint32_t *i)
 Reads a little-endian 32-bit int.
void readLE (std::istream &in, int32_t *i)
void readLE (std::istream &in, uint64_t *i)
 Reads a little-endian 64-bit int.
void readLE (std::istream &in, int64_t *i)


const BankMode_t B_READ = 0x1
 protected reading mode
const BankMode_t B_WRITE = 0x2
 protected writing mode
const BankMode_t B_SPY = 0x4
 unprotected reading mode, overrides all other modes
const uint8_t NCODE_SIZE = 3
 length of the NCode strings
const NCode_t NULL_NCODE = 0
 NULL NCode definition.
const ID_t NULL_ID = 0
 NULL ID definition.
const Status_t NULL_STATUS = 0
 NULL status definition.
const char MIN_QUALITY = '0'
 min quality score definition
const char MAX_QUALITY = '0' + 63
 max quality score definition
const char NULL_CHAR = '\0'
 null char
const char NL_CHAR = '\n'
 newline char
const std::string NULL_STRING = &NULL_CHAR
 null string
const ID_t MAX_ID = ~((uint32_t)0)
 (unsigned 32bit int)
const Size_t MAX_SIZE = ~((uint32_t)0) >> 1
 ( signed 32bit int)
const Pos_t MAX_POS = ~((uint32_t)0) >> 1
 ( signed 32bit int)
const char E_ADD = 'A'
const char E_DELETE = 'D'
const char E_REPLACE = 'R'
const NCode_t F_NULL = Encode ("nul")
const NCode_t F_AHANG = Encode ("ahg")
const NCode_t F_ACTION = Encode ("act")
const NCode_t F_ADJACENCY = Encode ("adj")
const NCode_t F_BASEPOSITION = Encode ("bcp")
const NCode_t F_BHANG = Encode ("bhg")
const NCode_t F_BID = Encode ("bid")
const NCode_t F_CLEAR = Encode ("clr")
const NCode_t F_COMMENT = Encode ("com")
const NCode_t F_COUNT = Encode ("cnt")
const NCode_t F_EID = Encode ("eid")
const NCode_t F_EDGE = Encode ("edg")
const NCode_t F_FLAG = Encode ("flg")
const NCode_t F_FRAGMENT = Encode ("frg")
const NCode_t F_GAPS = Encode ("gap")
const NCode_t F_IID = Encode ("iid")
const NCode_t F_LIBRARY = Encode ("lib")
const NCode_t F_LINK = Encode ("lnk")
const NCode_t F_MAP = Encode ("map")
const NCode_t F_MEAN = Encode ("mea")
const NCode_t F_MEMBER = Encode ("mbr")
const NCode_t F_NODES = Encode ("nds")
const NCode_t F_OBJECT = Encode ("obj")
const NCode_t F_OFFSET = Encode ("off")
const NCode_t F_POSITION = Encode ("pos")
const NCode_t F_QUALITY = Encode ("qlt")
const NCode_t F_QUALITYCLEAR = Encode ("qcr")
const NCode_t F_READS = Encode ("rds")
const NCode_t F_SCORE = Encode ("scr")
const NCode_t F_SEQUENCE = Encode ("seq")
const NCode_t F_SD = Encode ("std")
const NCode_t F_SIZE = Encode ("sze")
const NCode_t F_SOURCE = Encode ("src")
const NCode_t F_STATUS = Encode ("sts")
const NCode_t F_TYPE = Encode ("typ")
const NCode_t F_VECTORCLEAR = Encode ("vcr")
const NCode_t M_NULL = Encode ("NUL")
const NCode_t M_UNIVERSAL = Encode ("UNV")
const NCode_t M_CONTIG = Encode ("CTG")
const NCode_t M_CONTIGEDGE = Encode ("CTE")
const NCode_t M_CONTIGLINK = Encode ("CTL")
const NCode_t M_DISTRIBUTION = Encode ("DST")
const NCode_t M_EDGE = Encode ("EDG")
const NCode_t M_FEATURE = Encode ("FEA")
const NCode_t M_FRAGMENT = Encode ("FRG")
const NCode_t M_GROUP = Encode ("GRP")
const NCode_t M_KMER = Encode ("KMR")
const NCode_t M_LAYOUT = Encode ("LAY")
const NCode_t M_LIBRARY = Encode ("LIB")
const NCode_t M_LINK = Encode ("LNK")
const NCode_t M_IDMAP = Encode ("MAP")
const NCode_t M_INDEX = Encode ("IDX")
const NCode_t M_OVERLAP = Encode ("OVL")
const NCode_t M_READ = Encode ("RED")
const NCode_t M_SCAFFOLD = Encode ("SCF")
const NCode_t M_SCAFFOLDEDGE = Encode ("SCE")
const NCode_t M_SCAFFOLDLINK = Encode ("SCL")
const NCode_t M_SEQUENCE = Encode ("SEQ")
const NCode_t M_TILE = Encode ("TLE")

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8_t AMOS::BankMode_t

Definition at line 34 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::BankStream_t::create(), AMOS::Bank_t::create(), AMOS::BankStream_t::open(), AMOS::Bank_t::open(), and AMOS::Bank_t::setMode().

typedef char AMOS::FeatureType_t

Definition at line 20 of file Feature_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Feature_t::getType(), and AMOS::Feature_t::setType().

typedef char AMOS::FragmentType_t

Definition at line 20 of file Fragment_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Fragment_t::getType(), and AMOS::Fragment_t::setType().

typedef uint32_t AMOS::ID_t

ID type for iid's.

Definition at line 24 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::assignEID(), AMOS::Bank_t::assignIID(), AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Index_t::count(), AMOS::IDMap_t::exists(), AMOS::BankStream_t::existsIID(), AMOS::Bank_t::existsIID(), AMOS::Bank_t::fetch(), AMOS::Bank_t::fetchBID(), AMOS::Read_t::getFragment(), AMOS::IBankable_t::getIID(), AMOS::Fragment_t::getLibrary(), AMOS::BankStream_t::getMaxIID(), AMOS::Bank_t::getMaxIID(), AMOS::Link_t::getNodes(), AMOS::Bank_t::getPartition(), AMOS::IDMap_t::HashTriple_t::HashTriple_t(), AMOS::BankStream_t::ignore(), AMOS::Index_t::insert(), AMOS::IDMap_t::insert(), AMOS::Index_t::isMulti(), AMOS::Bank_t::localizeBID(), AMOS::Index_t::lookup(), AMOS::Index_t::lookupAll(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupBID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::lookupBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::lookupBID(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupEID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::lookupEID(), AMOS::Bank_t::lookupEID(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupIID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::lookupIID(), AMOS::Bank_t::lookupIID(), main(), AMOS::Bank_t::openPartition(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator>>(), AMOS::IDMap_t::read(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IEdge_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::remove(), AMOS::IDMap_t::remove(), AMOS::Bank_t::remove(), AMOS::Bank_t::removeBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::replace(), AMOS::Bank_t::replaceBID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::seekg(), AMOS::Read_t::setFragment(), AMOS::IBankable_t::setIID(), AMOS::Fragment_t::setLibrary(), AMOS::IEdge_t::setLinks(), AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO(), AMOS::BankStream_t::tellg(), and AMOS::BankStream_t::tellp().

typedef char AMOS::LinkAdjacency_t

Definition at line 22 of file Link_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::flip(), AMOS::Link_t::getAdjacency(), and AMOS::Link_t::setAdjacency().

typedef char AMOS::LinkType_t

Definition at line 21 of file Link_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::getType(), and AMOS::Link_t::setType().

typedef uint32_t AMOS::NCode_t

unique integer code for dynamic typing

Definition at line 25 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::Bank_t(), BankExists(), AMOS::BankStream_t::BankStream_t(), Decode(), Encode(), AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::exists(), AMOS::BankSet_t::exists(), AMOS::UniversalSet_t::exists(), AMOS::Message_t::exists(), AMOS::Message_t::getField(), AMOS::Group_t::getMemberType(), AMOS::Message_t::getMessageCode(), AMOS::Universal_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getNCode(), AMOS::ScaffoldLink_t::getNCode(), AMOS::ScaffoldEdge_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Read_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Overlap_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Link_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Library_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Layout_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Kmer_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Index_t::getNCode(), AMOS::IDMap_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Group_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Fragment_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Feature_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Edge_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Tile_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Distribution_t::getNCode(), AMOS::ContigLink_t::getNCode(), AMOS::ContigEdge_t::getNCode(), AMOS::Contig_t::getNCode(), AMOS::ScaffoldLink_t::getNodeType(), AMOS::Link_t::getNodeType(), AMOS::ContigLink_t::getNodeType(), AMOS::IDMap_t::getType(), AMOS::BankStream_t::getType(), AMOS::Bank_t::getType(), AMOS::Index_t::Index_t(), AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::BankSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::UniversalSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::Message_t::operator[](), AMOS::Message_t::removeField(), AMOS::IDMap_t::resize(), AMOS::Message_t::setField(), AMOS::Group_t::setMemberType(), AMOS::Message_t::setMessageCode(), AMOS::Link_t::setNodeType(), AMOS::Index_t::setType(), AMOS::IDMap_t::setType(), AMOS::Message_t::skip(), and AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO().

typedef Range_t AMOS::Ordered_Range_t

Definition at line 453 of file datatypes_AMOS.hh.

typedef char AMOS::OverlapAdjacency_t

Definition at line 20 of file Overlap_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::flip(), AMOS::Overlap_t::getAdjacency(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::setAdjacency().

typedef Size_t AMOS::Pos_t

position type (in a sequence,etc)

Definition at line 28 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress(), AMOS::Contig_t::gap2ungap(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getBase(), AMOS::Kmer_t::getBase(), AMOS::Range_t::getBegin(), AMOS::Range_t::getEnd(), AMOS::Read_t::getFragmentPosition(), AMOS::Range_t::getHi(), AMOS::Range_t::getLo(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), AMOS::Kmer_t::getSeqString(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Layout_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Contig_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedLength(), AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedQualString(), AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedSeqString(), operator &(), operator|(), AMOS::Range_t::Range_t(), AMOS::Tile_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::readRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Contig_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setBase(), AMOS::Kmer_t::setBase(), AMOS::Range_t::setBegin(), AMOS::Range_t::setEnd(), AMOS::Read_t::setFragmentPosition(), AMOS::Range_t::setRange(), AMOS::Kmer_t::setSeqString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Range_t::swap(), AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress(), AMOS::Contig_t::ungap2gap(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Layout_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Contig_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::writeRecord(), and AMOS::Contig_t::writeRecord().

typedef char AMOS::ReadType_t

Definition at line 21 of file Read_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::getType(), and AMOS::Read_t::setType().

typedef uint32_t AMOS::SD_t

standard deviation type

Definition at line 26 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::getSD(), and AMOS::Link_t::setSD().

typedef int32_t AMOS::Size_t

size type (for links,etc)

Definition at line 27 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::appendBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::BankPartition_t::BankPartition_t(), AMOS::Bank_t::clean(), AMOS::Bank_t::clear(), AMOS::Bank_t::close(), AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Index_t::count(), AMOS::Message_t::countFields(), AMOS::Message_t::countSubMessages(), AMOS::Overlap_t::flip(), AMOS::Overlap_t::getAhang(), AMOS::Overlap_t::getBhang(), AMOS::IDMap_t::getBuckets(), AMOS::Tile_t::getGappedLength(), AMOS::BankStream_t::getIDMapSize(), AMOS::Bank_t::getIDMapSize(), AMOS::Bank_t::getIndexSize(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getLength(), AMOS::Range_t::getLength(), AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::getSize(), AMOS::BankSet_t::getSize(), AMOS::UniversalSet_t::getSize(), AMOS::Link_t::getSize(), AMOS::Index_t::getSize(), AMOS::IDMap_t::getSize(), AMOS::Fragment_t::getSize(), AMOS::BankStream_t::getSize(), AMOS::Bank_t::getSize(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Layout_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Contig_t::getSpan(), AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedLength(), AMOS::IDMap_t::IDMap_t(), AMOS::BankStream_t::ignore(), AMOS::Bank_t::openPartition(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator<<(), AMOS::Kmer_t::operator=(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator>>(), AMOS::IDMap_t::read(), AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::readRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Contig_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::remove(), AMOS::Bank_t::replaceBID(), AMOS::IDMap_t::resize(), AMOS::Overlap_t::setAhang(), AMOS::Overlap_t::setBhang(), AMOS::Kmer_t::setSeqString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Link_t::setSize(), AMOS::Fragment_t::setSize(), AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO(), AMOS::Contig_t::ungap2gap(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::writeRecord(), and AMOS::Contig_t::writeRecord().

typedef char AMOS::Status_t

status type

Definition at line 29 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::getStatus(), and AMOS::Universal_t::setStatus().

Function Documentation

bool AMOS::BankExists NCode_t  ncode,
const std::string &  dir

Checks for the accessibility of a bank with certain type.

Only checks for the existence and readability of the info store, does not perform any validity checking on the other partitions.

ncode The type of bank to look for
dir The directory in which to look
true if IFO store exists with read permissions, else false
Definition at line 1030 of file

References Decode(), and NCode_t.

uint8_t Char2Qual char  qual  )  [inline]

Converts a printable quality character to an int.

qual Character quality representation
Integer quality representation
Definition at line 64 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

References MIN_QUALITY.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::compress().

char AMOS::Complement char  ch  ) 

Returns the DNA complement of an IUPAC character.

Complement-able IUPAC characters are ACGTUMRWSYKVHDB, while NX*- are also acceptable but are self-complementary. Characters other than these will throw an exception.

ch The character to take the complement of
ArgumentException_t if ch is an invalid character
Definition at line 20 of file


Referenced by ReverseComplement().

std::string Decode NCode_t  ncode  )  [inline]

Converts an NCode integer to an AMOS message/field type.

ncode The NCode to translate to a string
String representation of the NCode
Definition at line 76 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

References NCode_t.

Referenced by BankExists(), AMOS::Bank_t::create(), AMOS::Bank_t::exists(), AMOS::Message_t::getField(), main(), AMOS::Bank_t::open(), AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::BankSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::UniversalSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::Message_t::read(), AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO(), AMOS::Message_t::write(), AMOS::IDMap_t::write(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage().

NCode_t Encode const std::string &  str  )  [inline]

Converts an AMOS message/field type to an NCode integer.

str The NCode string equivalent
str is of proper NCode length, i.e. str . size( ) == NCODE_SIZE
NCode of the string
Definition at line 91 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

References NCode_t.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::Bank_t(), AMOS::Message_t::exists(), AMOS::Message_t::getField(), AMOS::BankStreamSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::BankSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::UniversalSet_t::operator[](), AMOS::IDMap_t::read(), AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Message_t::removeField(), AMOS::Message_t::setField(), AMOS::Message_t::setMessageCode(), and AMOS::Message_t::skip().

Range_t AMOS::operator & Range_t  a,
Range_t  b

An intersection operator for Ranges.

Returns the (foward) intersection of two overlapping ranges.

a Range A
b Range B
The intersection of Range A and B or [0,0) if no overlap
Definition at line 253 of file

References Pos_t.

bool AMOS::operator!= const Tile_t a,
const Tile_t b

Definition at line 334 of file

bool AMOS::operator!= const Distribution_t a,
const Distribution_t b

Definition at line 320 of file

bool AMOS::operator!= const Range_t a,
const Range_t b

Definition at line 308 of file

ostream & AMOS::operator<< std::ostream &  o,
Read_t read

Dump read object to ostream.

Definition at line 269 of file

References AMOS::Range_t::begin, AMOS::Range_t::end, AMOS::Read_t::getClearRange(), AMOS::Universal_t::getComment(), AMOS::IBankable_t::getIID(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), and WrapString().

std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  out,
const std::exception &  e

Dump exception info to an ostream.

Definition at line 263 of file exceptions_AMOS.hh.

std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  out,
const Exception_t e

Dump Exception_t info to an ostream.

Definition at line 251 of file exceptions_AMOS.hh.

bool AMOS::operator== const Tile_t a,
const Tile_t b

An equality operator for Tiles.

Returns true if distributions have identical values

a Tile A
b Tile B
true if distributions have identical values
Definition at line 327 of file

bool AMOS::operator== const Distribution_t a,
const Distribution_t b

An equality operator for Distributions.

Returns true if distributions have identical values

a Distribution A
b Distribution B
true if distributions have identical values
Definition at line 315 of file

bool AMOS::operator== const Range_t a,
const Range_t b

An equality operator for Ranges.

Returns true if the two ranges have equal begin and end values.

a Range A
b Range B
true if a.begin == b.begin && a.end == b.end, else false
Definition at line 304 of file

Range_t AMOS::operator| Range_t  a,
Range_t  b

A union operator for Ranges.

Returns the union of two overlapping ranges

a Range A
b Range B
The union of Range A and B or [0,0) if no overlap
Definition at line 279 of file

References Pos_t.

void AMOS::PrintBankVersion const char *  s  ) 

Prints the bank version a program is compatible with.

s The program name
Definition at line 1041 of file

char Qual2Char uint8_t  qual  )  [inline]

Converts a quality int into a printable character.

qual Integer quality representation
Printable quality character
Definition at line 52 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

References MIN_QUALITY.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
int64_t *  i

Definition at line 357 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References readLE().

Referenced by main().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
uint64_t *  i

Reads a little-endian 64-bit int.

in The istream to read from
i A pointer to the int storage
Same preconditions as istream::read
Definition at line 351 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References ltoh64.

void readLE std::istream &  in,
int32_t *  i

Definition at line 337 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References readLE().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
uint32_t *  i

Reads a little-endian 32-bit int.

in The istream to read from
i A pointer to the int storage
Same preconditions as istream::read
Definition at line 331 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References ltoh32.

void readLE std::istream &  in,
int16_t *  i

Definition at line 317 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References readLE().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
uint16_t *  i

Reads a little-endian 16-bit int.

in The istream to read from
i A pointer to the int storage
Same preconditions as istream::read
Definition at line 311 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References ltoh16.

void readLE std::istream &  in,
BankFlags_t *  i

Definition at line 296 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References readLE().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
int8_t *  i

Definition at line 292 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References readLE().

void readLE std::istream &  in,
uint8_t *  i

Reads a little-endian 8-bit int.

in The istream to read from
i A pointer to the int storage
Same preconditions as istream::read
Definition at line 288 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Bank_t::fetchBID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::ignore(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator>>(), readLE(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Overlap_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Link_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Feature_t::readRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Distribution_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Contig_t::readRecord(), and AMOS::Bank_t::removeBID().

void AMOS::Reverse char *  str  ) 

Reverses the contents of a string.

str The string to reverse
Definition at line 96 of file

void AMOS::Reverse std::string &  str  ) 

Reverses the contents of a string.

Simply calls the STL reverse "algorithm" but in an AMOS way

str The string to reverse
Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedQualString(), and ReverseComplement().

void AMOS::ReverseComplement char *  str  ) 

Takes the DNA reverse complement of an IUPAC string.

Complement-able IUPAC characters are ACGTUMRWSYKVHDB, while NX*- are also acceptable but are self-complementary. Characters other than these will throw an exception.

str The string to reverse complement
ArgumentException_t if invalid characters are found
Definition at line 78 of file

References Complement(), and Reverse().

void AMOS::ReverseComplement std::string &  str  ) 

Takes the DNA reverse complement of an IUPAC string.

Complement-able IUPAC characters are ACGTUMRWSYKVHDB, while NX*- are also acceptable but are self-complementary. Characters other than these will throw an exception.

str The string to reverse complement
ArgumentException_t if invalid characters are found
Definition at line 67 of file

References Complement(), and Reverse().

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), and AMOS::Contig_t::getUngappedSeqString().

void* SafeCalloc size_t  num,
size_t  size

Safe calloc wrapper.

Detects calloc failure and throws AMOS::AllocException_t exception instead of returning a NULL pointer.

num Number of elements to allocate
size Number of bytes per element
The memory is allocated
AllocException_t on memory exhaustion
Pointer to the new memory block
Definition at line 60 of file utility_AMOS.hh.


void* SafeMalloc size_t  size  )  [inline]

Safe malloc wrapper.

Detects malloc failure and throws AMOS::AllocException_t exception instead of returning a NULL pointer.

size Number of bytes to allocate
The memory is allocated
AllocException_t on memory exhaustion
Pointer to the new memory block
Definition at line 81 of file utility_AMOS.hh.


Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::BankPartition_t::BankPartition_t(), and AMOS::Bank_t::concat().

void* SafeRealloc void *  P,
size_t  size

Safe realloc wrapper.

Detects realloc failure and throws AMOS::AllocException_t exception instead of returning a NULL pointer. This helps prevent memory leaks by preventing the original memory block from being lost when the realloc function returns NULL.

P The memory block to re-allocate
size Number of bytes to allocate
The memory is allocated
AllocException_t on memory exhaustion
Pointer to the new memory block
Definition at line 105 of file utility_AMOS.hh.


Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Sequence_t::operator=(), AMOS::Kmer_t::operator=(), AMOS::Sequence_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::setSeqString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::uncompress().

char* SafeStrdup const char *  str  )  [inline]

Safe strdup wrapper.

Detects malloc failure and throws AMOS::AllocException_t exception instead of returning a NULL pointer.

str The string to copy
The memory is allocated and the string is copied
AllocException_t on memory exhaustion
Pointer to the new string copy
Definition at line 126 of file utility_AMOS.hh.


void AMOS::WrapString std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  s,
int  per

Inserts a newline every 'per' characters when writing to stream.

Definition at line 341 of file

Referenced by operator<<().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const int64_t *  i

Definition at line 274 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References writeLE().

Referenced by main().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const uint64_t *  i

Writes a 64-bit int in little-endian byte order.

out The ostream to write to
i A pointer to the int to write
Same preconditions as ostream::write
Definition at line 268 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References htol64.

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const int32_t *  i

Definition at line 254 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References writeLE().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const uint32_t *  i

Writes a 32-bit int in little-endian byte order.

out The ostream to write to
i A pointer to the int to write
Same preconditions as ostream::write
Definition at line 248 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References htol32.

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const int16_t *  i

Definition at line 234 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References writeLE().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const uint16_t *  i

Writes a 16-bit int in little-endian byte order.

out The ostream to write to
i A pointer to the int to write
Same preconditions as ostream::write
Definition at line 228 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References htol16.

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const BankFlags_t *  i

Definition at line 213 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References writeLE().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const int8_t *  i

Definition at line 209 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

References writeLE().

void writeLE std::ostream &  out,
const uint8_t *  i

Writes an 8-bit int in little-endian byte order.

out The ostream to write to
i A pointer to the int to write
Same preconditions as ostream::write
Definition at line 205 of file utility_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::appendBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator<<(), AMOS::Bank_t::removeBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::replaceBID(), writeLE(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Read_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Overlap_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Link_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Layout_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Kmer_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Index_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Feature_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Tile_t::writeRecord(), AMOS::Distribution_t::writeRecord(), and AMOS::Contig_t::writeRecord().

Variable Documentation

const BankMode_t AMOS::B_READ = 0x1

protected reading mode

Definition at line 35 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Index_t::buildContigFeature(), AMOS::Index_t::buildContigScaffold(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadContig(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadLibrary(), AMOS::Index_t::buildScaffoldFeature(), AMOS::Bank_t::clean(), AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Bank_t::fetchBID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::ignore(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator>>(), AMOS::Bank_t::removeBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::replaceBID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::seekg(), AMOS::Bank_t::setMode(), and AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO().

const BankMode_t AMOS::B_SPY = 0x4

unprotected reading mode, overrides all other modes

Definition at line 37 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::lockIFO(), AMOS::Bank_t::setMode(), AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO(), AMOS::Bank_t::touchFile(), and AMOS::Bank_t::unlockIFO().

const BankMode_t AMOS::B_WRITE = 0x2

protected writing mode

Definition at line 36 of file Bank_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::appendBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::clean(), AMOS::Bank_t::clear(), AMOS::Bank_t::close(), AMOS::Bank_t::concat(), AMOS::Bank_t::create(), AMOS::Bank_t::destroy(), AMOS::Bank_t::openPartition(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator<<(), AMOS::Bank_t::removeBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::replaceBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::setMode(), and AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO().

const char AMOS::E_ADD = 'A'

Definition at line 23 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const char AMOS::E_DELETE = 'D'

Definition at line 24 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const char AMOS::E_REPLACE = 'R'

Definition at line 25 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::F_ACTION = Encode ("act")

Definition at line 28 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::F_ADJACENCY = Encode ("adj")

Definition at line 29 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_AHANG = Encode ("ahg")

Definition at line 27 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_BASEPOSITION = Encode ("bcp")

Definition at line 30 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_BHANG = Encode ("bhg")

Definition at line 31 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_BID = Encode ("bid")

Definition at line 32 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::F_CLEAR = Encode ("clr")

Definition at line 33 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Tile_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_COMMENT = Encode ("com")

Definition at line 34 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_COUNT = Encode ("cnt")

Definition at line 35 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Kmer_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Kmer_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_EDGE = Encode ("edg")

Definition at line 37 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Scaffold_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_EID = Encode ("eid")

Definition at line 36 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_FLAG = Encode ("flg")

Definition at line 38 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_FRAGMENT = Encode ("frg")

Definition at line 39 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_GAPS = Encode ("gap")

Definition at line 40 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Tile_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_IID = Encode ("iid")

Definition at line 41 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_LIBRARY = Encode ("lib")

Definition at line 42 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_LINK = Encode ("lnk")

Definition at line 43 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::IEdge_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::IEdge_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_MAP = Encode ("map")

Definition at line 44 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_MEAN = Encode ("mea")

Definition at line 45 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Distribution_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Distribution_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_MEMBER = Encode ("mbr")

Definition at line 46 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Group_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Group_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_NODES = Encode ("nds")

Definition at line 47 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_NULL = Encode ("nul")

Definition at line 26 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::F_OBJECT = Encode ("obj")

Definition at line 48 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Group_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_OFFSET = Encode ("off")

Definition at line 49 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Tile_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_POSITION = Encode ("pos")

Definition at line 50 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_QUALITY = Encode ("qlt")

Definition at line 51 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_QUALITYCLEAR = Encode ("qcr")

Definition at line 52 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_READS = Encode ("rds")

Definition at line 53 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Kmer_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_SCORE = Encode ("scr")

Definition at line 54 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Overlap_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_SD = Encode ("std")

Definition at line 56 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Distribution_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Distribution_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_SEQUENCE = Encode ("seq")

Definition at line 55 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Kmer_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_SIZE = Encode ("sze")

Definition at line 57 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_SOURCE = Encode ("src")

Definition at line 58 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Tile_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_STATUS = Encode ("sts")

Definition at line 59 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_TYPE = Encode ("typ")

Definition at line 60 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::F_VECTORCLEAR = Encode ("vcr")

Definition at line 61 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Read_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::M_CONTIG = Encode ("CTG")

Definition at line 64 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_CONTIGEDGE = Encode ("CTE")

Definition at line 65 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_CONTIGLINK = Encode ("CTL")

Definition at line 66 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_DISTRIBUTION = Encode ("DST")

Definition at line 67 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Library_t::readMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::M_EDGE = Encode ("EDG")

Definition at line 68 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_FEATURE = Encode ("FEA")

Definition at line 69 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_FRAGMENT = Encode ("FRG")

Definition at line 70 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_GROUP = Encode ("GRP")

Definition at line 71 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_IDMAP = Encode ("MAP")

Definition at line 76 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_INDEX = Encode ("IDX")

Definition at line 77 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_KMER = Encode ("KMR")

Definition at line 72 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_LAYOUT = Encode ("LAY")

Definition at line 73 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_LIBRARY = Encode ("LIB")

Definition at line 74 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_LINK = Encode ("LNK")

Definition at line 75 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_NULL = Encode ("NUL")

Definition at line 62 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Message_t::clear(), and AMOS::Message_t::Message_t().

const NCode_t AMOS::M_OVERLAP = Encode ("OVL")

Definition at line 78 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_READ = Encode ("RED")

Definition at line 79 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_SCAFFOLD = Encode ("SCF")

Definition at line 80 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_SCAFFOLDEDGE = Encode ("SCE")

Definition at line 81 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_SCAFFOLDLINK = Encode ("SCL")

Definition at line 82 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_SEQUENCE = Encode ("SEQ")

Definition at line 83 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const NCode_t AMOS::M_TILE = Encode ("TLE")

Definition at line 84 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Scaffold_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Layout_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Contig_t::readMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::M_UNIVERSAL = Encode ("UNV")

Definition at line 63 of file Message_AMOS.hh.

const ID_t AMOS::MAX_ID = ~((uint32_t)0)

(unsigned 32bit int)

Definition at line 41 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

const Pos_t AMOS::MAX_POS = ~((uint32_t)0) >> 1

( signed 32bit int)

Definition at line 43 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Scaffold_t::getSpan(), and AMOS::Layout_t::getSpan().

const char AMOS::MAX_QUALITY = '0' + 63

max quality score definition

Definition at line 36 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

const Size_t AMOS::MAX_SIZE = ~((uint32_t)0) >> 1

( signed 32bit int)

Definition at line 42 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

const char AMOS::MIN_QUALITY = '0'

min quality score definition

Definition at line 35 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by Char2Qual(), and Qual2Char().

const uint8_t AMOS::NCODE_SIZE = 3

length of the NCode strings

Definition at line 31 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Message_t::read(), AMOS::Link_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::readMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::readMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::readMessage(), and AMOS::Message_t::skip().

const char AMOS::NL_CHAR = '\n'

newline char

Definition at line 38 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Message_t::read(), AMOS::IBankable_t::setEID(), AMOS::Message_t::setField(), AMOS::Kmer_t::setSeqString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::setSequence(), AMOS::Message_t::skip(), AMOS::Message_t::write(), AMOS::IDMap_t::write(), AMOS::Sequence_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage().

const char AMOS::NULL_CHAR = '\0'

null char

Definition at line 37 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Sequence_t::getQualString(), AMOS::Sequence_t::getSeqString(), AMOS::Kmer_t::getSeqString(), AMOS::Message_t::read(), AMOS::Message_t::skip(), and AMOS::Bank_t::syncIFO().

const ID_t AMOS::NULL_ID = 0

NULL ID definition.

Definition at line 33 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::BankStream_t::BankStream_t(), AMOS::Index_t::buildContigFeature(), AMOS::Index_t::buildContigScaffold(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadContig(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadLibrary(), AMOS::Index_t::buildReadMate(), AMOS::Index_t::buildScaffoldFeature(), AMOS::Read_t::clear(), AMOS::Overlap_t::clear(), AMOS::Link_t::clear(), AMOS::Fragment_t::clear(), AMOS::Feature_t::clear(), AMOS::Tile_t::clear(), AMOS::IBankable_t::clear(), AMOS::Bank_t::clear(), AMOS::Feature_t::Feature_t(), AMOS::Fragment_t::Fragment_t(), AMOS::Bank_t::getMaxIID(), AMOS::IBankable_t::IBankable_t(), AMOS::Bank_t::init(), AMOS::IDMap_t::insert(), AMOS::Link_t::Link_t(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupBID(), AMOS::Bank_t::lookupBID(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupIID(), AMOS::BankStream_t::operator>>(), AMOS::Overlap_t::Overlap_t(), AMOS::Read_t::Read_t(), AMOS::Kmer_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Group_t::readRecord(), AMOS::IEdge_t::readRecord(), AMOS::IDMap_t::remove(), AMOS::Tile_t::Tile_t(), AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage().

const NCode_t AMOS::NULL_NCODE = 0

NULL NCode definition.

Definition at line 32 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Link_t::clear(), AMOS::Index_t::clear(), AMOS::IDMap_t::clear(), AMOS::Group_t::clear(), AMOS::Fragment_t::clear(), AMOS::Feature_t::clear(), AMOS::Feature_t::Feature_t(), AMOS::Fragment_t::Fragment_t(), AMOS::Group_t::Group_t(), AMOS::IDMap_t::IDMap_t(), AMOS::Index_t::Index_t(), AMOS::Link_t::Link_t(), AMOS::Message_t::read(), AMOS::ScaffoldLink_t::readMessage(), AMOS::ContigLink_t::readMessage(), AMOS::ScaffoldLink_t::readRecord(), AMOS::ContigLink_t::readRecord(), AMOS::Message_t::skip(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage().

const Status_t AMOS::NULL_STATUS = 0

NULL status definition.

Definition at line 34 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Universal_t::clear(), AMOS::Universal_t::Universal_t(), and AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage().

const std::string AMOS::NULL_STRING = &NULL_CHAR

null string

Definition at line 39 of file inttypes_AMOS.hh.

Referenced by AMOS::Bank_t::addPartition(), AMOS::IDMap_t::insert(), AMOS::IDMap_t::lookupEID(), main(), AMOS::Universal_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Scaffold_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Read_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Overlap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Link_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Kmer_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Index_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IDMap_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Group_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Fragment_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Feature_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::IEdge_t::writeMessage(), AMOS::Tile_t::writeMessage(), and AMOS::Distribution_t::writeMessage().

Generated on Tue May 17 15:19:41 2005 for libAMOS by doxygen 1.3.8